EAS-Score is calculated with these rules: 1) Sacrifices: (percent*100) of the percent-values of the sacrifices (1-5+ pawnunits) calculated out of the won games by the engine, only. So, a weak engine (with a small number of won games) can get a high EAS-scoring, too, when the percent of sac-games in the won games is high (and the number of short wins). Higher pawnunits-sacs give bonus-points: 1 pawnsac = 5x points *** 2 pawnsac = 20x points *** 3 pawnsac = 50x points 4 pawnsac = 100x points *** 5+ pawnsac = 200x points *** 5+ Queensac = 400x points 2) Very short won games (percent*100) of won games by the engine give these EAS-points: 60 moves= 8x points *** 55 moves= 12x points *** 50 moves= 18x points 45 moves= 27x points *** 40 moves= 45x points. Since V5.2, the move-limit is no longer fixed to 40-60 moves, but the average length of all won games in the source.pgn is calculated, rounded to 5 or 10 and -15. Reason is, that human games or adjucated engine games are much shorter than non-adjucated engine-games for example and the EAS-tools will now adjust the move-limits for short-win EAS-points to this "reality": Example 1: Average won game length in the source.pgn is 78 moves: Rounded to 75 and -15 = 60 is the upper limit, followed by 55, 50, 45, 40 Example 2: Average won game length is 58 moves: Rounded to 55 and -15 = 40 is the upper limit, followed by 35, 30, 25, 20 Additionally, if the average win game length of the engine is shorter than the average win game length of all games in the source.pgn, the engine gets 3000 EAS-points for each move, their won games are shorter in average. If the average win game length of the engine is higher than the average win game length of all games in the source.pgn, 1000 EAS-points are substracted for each move, their won games are shorter in average. But these substraction of points is done only on the EAS-points, the engine has received for their short wins (see above). The other EAS-points (for sacrifices and bad draws (see 1) and 3)) stay always in the calculation! 3) Bad draws: Bad draws are games, which were drawn before endgame (material check is done, the number of played moves does not matter) and draws after the engine had a material advantage of at least 1 pawn during a game, because the engine should win a game, if material was won. All these bad draws are finally checked for a material disadvantage of at least 1 pawn: Because draws with material disadvantage prevented a possible loss and so, these games are no bad draws and are not counted. The formula for calculating the bad-draw EAS-points is a bit tricky: a) The percent-value of all good draws (out of all draws, the engine played) by the engine is calculated (all draws - bad draws) and rounded: Example: Engine had 23.7% bad draws, then the value here is 76 (100% - 23.7% = 76.3% (good draws), then rounded). b) This value is exp3. Means: 76*76*76 = 438976, then divided by 2500 = 175 c) This value is exp2. Means: 175*175 = 30625 So, the engines gets 30625 EAS-points