Lc0 is running on GPU (NVIDIA RTX card). Therefore, only 1 game can be played at the same time on one GPU. This makes it impossible to test Lc0 regularly for my UHO-Top15 Ratinglist, because 15000 games are played for each testrun (running 20 games simultaneously). But I do testruns of Lc0 (1000 games) vs Stockfish 15.1 on my "NN vs Stockfish 15.1 testing" site, look there for the exact testing conditions. I did a testrun of Stockfish 15.1 for my UHO Full Ratinglist, to get a valid rating for Stockfish 15.1. Now, the Celo-performance of the strongest Lc0 on the "NN vs Stockfish 15.1 testing" site can be "virtually inserted" in the UHO-Top15 Ratinglist (in both testsetups, my UHO_2022_6mvs_+120_+129 openings are used (first 500 lines)) Performance of Stockfish 15.1 in the UHO Full Ratinglist is 3795, right now (2024/05/09). The best Lc0 on my "NN vs Stockfish 15.1 testing" site (Lc0 0.31dev T3-2815) right now has a performance of 48.0% (-14 Celo) vs. Stockfish 15.1. So, the estimated (virtual) Celo of this Lc0 in the UHO-Top15 Ratinglist is 3795-14 = 3781 Celo...