***************************************************************************** *** Engine Aggressiveness Tool V5.8 Score points Ratinglist ***************************************************************************** *** Meanwhile, the scoring-system of the EAS-Tool got really complex, so *** please check out the ReadMe-file, where you find the explanation... ***************************************************************************** *** Evaluated file: UHO_Ratinglist_games.pgn ***************************************************************************** bad avg.win Rank EAS-Score sacs shorts draws moves Engine/player ------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 164812 23.43% 15.07% 09.16% 75 Stockfish 250112 a512 2 153484 21.51% 14.55% 10.61% 75 Stockfish 17 240906 3 111827 12.56% 17.38% 15.45% 74 Torch 3 popavx2 4 103160 13.24% 17.42% 20.53% 73 Horsie 1.0 a512 5 95550 12.86% 13.31% 16.66% 77 Obsidian 14.11 a512 6 82969 14.70% 15.49% 20.77% 76 KomodoDragon 3.3 avx2 7 80510 15.97% 12.46% 18.79% 79 RubiChess 240817 avx2 8 80241 13.52% 10.70% 18.11% 80 Alexandria 7.1 a512 9 78561 08.30% 15.53% 18.44% 77 PlentyChess 3.0 a512 10 75627 13.35% 07.71% 18.84% 81 Integral 6.0 a512 11 65589 12.44% 09.58% 20.65% 80 Clover 8.1 avx2 12 60084 13.87% 06.81% 20.05% 88 Ethereal 14.38 avx2 13 55100 08.93% 07.06% 20.59% 82 Berserk 13 avx2 14 54915 10.94% 08.67% 22.27% 81 Caissa 1.21 a512 15 50138 11.89% 07.83% 25.90% 85 Starzix 6.0 a512 16 40620 07.66% 07.74% 27.30% 81 Viridithas 15.0 a512 ------------------------------------------------------------------- *** Average length of all won games: 78 moves *** Engine gets bonuspoints, if its avg. won games length is shorter *** Engine gets maluspoints, if its avg. won games length is longer ********************************************************************************************* ********************************************************************************************* ********************************************************************************************* *** EAS single-statistics (6 categories, each with Top5 engines): ********************************************************************************************* A: Most high-value sacrifices (3+ pawnunits) : [1]:03.72% Stockfish 250112 a512 [2]:03.23% Stockfish 17 240906 [3]:02.43% Horsie 1.0 a512 [4]:01.94% Alexandria 7.1 a512 [5]:01.73% Obsidian 14.11 a512 B: Most sacrifices overall : [1]:23.43% Stockfish 250112 a512 [2]:21.51% Stockfish 17 240906 [3]:15.97% RubiChess 240817 avx2 [4]:14.70% KomodoDragon 3.3 avx2 [5]:13.87% Ethereal 14.38 avx2 C: Very short wins (45 moves or less) : [1]:01.11% Stockfish 17 240906 [2]:01.08% Torch 3 popavx2 [3]:00.99% Stockfish 250112 a512 [4]:00.99% Horsie 1.0 a512 [5]:00.82% RubiChess 240817 avx2 D: Most short wins overall : [1]:17.42% Horsie 1.0 a512 [2]:17.38% Torch 3 popavx2 [3]:15.53% PlentyChess 3.0 a512 [4]:15.49% KomodoDragon 3.3 avx2 [5]:15.07% Stockfish 250112 a512 E: Average length of all won games : [1]:073 Horsie 1.0 a512 [2]:074 Torch 3 popavx2 [3]:075 Stockfish 17 240906 [4]:075 Stockfish 250112 a512 [5]:076 KomodoDragon 3.3 avx2 F: Smallest number of bad draws : [1]:09.16% Stockfish 250112 a512 [2]:10.61% Stockfish 17 240906 [3]:15.45% Torch 3 popavx2 [4]:16.66% Obsidian 14.11 a512 [5]:18.11% Alexandria 7.1 a512 ********************************************************************************************* ********************************************************************************************* ***************************************************************************** ***************************************************************************** ***************************************************************************** *** 2nd Ratinglist with more stats in percent-values ************************ ***************************************************************************** *** Average length of all won games: 78 moves *** Calculated limit for short wins giving EAS-points: 60 moves ***************************************************************************** avg.win bad Rank EAS-Score wins moves sacs sacsQ sacs5+ sacs4 sacs3 sacs2 sacs1 all shorts short40 short45 short50 short55 short60 draws Engine/player ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 164812 6802 75 23.43% =[00.06% + 00.60% + 00.63% + 02.43% + 06.94% + 12.78%] 15.07% = [00.40% + 00.59% + 01.65% + 04.26% + 08.17%] 09.16% Stockfish 250112 a512 2 153484 6682 75 21.51% =[00.04% + 00.55% + 00.60% + 02.04% + 06.33% + 11.94%] 14.55% = [00.45% + 00.66% + 01.83% + 04.24% + 07.38%] 10.61% Stockfish 17 240906 3 111827 5858 74 12.56% =[00.03% + 00.17% + 00.27% + 01.08% + 03.41% + 07.60%] 17.38% = [00.36% + 00.72% + 01.71% + 05.04% + 09.56%] 15.45% Torch 3 popavx2 4 103160 2635 73 13.24% =[00.00% + 00.27% + 00.42% + 01.75% + 03.11% + 07.70%] 17.42% = [00.57% + 00.42% + 01.94% + 05.35% + 09.15%] 20.53% Horsie 1.0 a512 5 95550 4845 77 12.86% =[00.02% + 00.25% + 00.45% + 01.01% + 02.66% + 08.46%] 13.31% = [00.31% + 00.35% + 01.49% + 04.29% + 06.87%] 16.66% Obsidian 14.11 a512 6 82969 3918 76 14.70% =[00.00% + 00.10% + 00.10% + 01.15% + 03.22% + 10.13%] 15.49% = [00.23% + 00.54% + 01.86% + 04.44% + 08.42%] 20.77% KomodoDragon 3.3 avx2 7 80510 2448 79 15.97% =[00.00% + 00.12% + 00.16% + 00.98% + 03.96% + 10.74%] 12.46% = [00.29% + 00.53% + 01.02% + 03.27% + 07.35%] 18.79% RubiChess 240817 avx2 8 80241 3448 80 13.52% =[00.03% + 00.12% + 00.44% + 01.36% + 03.02% + 08.56%] 10.70% = [00.15% + 00.32% + 01.39% + 02.64% + 06.21%] 18.11% Alexandria 7.1 a512 9 78561 3349 77 08.30% =[00.00% + 00.09% + 00.15% + 00.57% + 01.94% + 05.55%] 15.53% = [00.18% + 00.54% + 01.64% + 05.14% + 08.03%] 18.44% PlentyChess 3.0 a512 10 75627 2711 81 13.35% =[00.04% + 00.18% + 00.37% + 00.96% + 03.54% + 08.26%] 07.71% = [00.04% + 00.37% + 00.89% + 02.14% + 04.28%] 18.84% Integral 6.0 a512 11 65589 2275 80 12.44% =[00.00% + 00.13% + 00.35% + 00.53% + 02.86% + 08.57%] 09.58% = [00.09% + 00.18% + 00.57% + 02.77% + 05.98%] 20.65% Clover 8.1 avx2 12 60084 2833 88 13.87% =[00.00% + 00.11% + 00.21% + 00.95% + 03.95% + 08.65%] 06.81% = [00.14% + 00.18% + 00.74% + 01.84% + 03.92%] 20.05% Ethereal 14.38 avx2 13 55100 3954 82 08.93% =[00.03% + 00.08% + 00.08% + 00.51% + 01.69% + 06.55%] 07.06% = [00.03% + 00.15% + 00.53% + 02.28% + 04.07%] 20.59% Berserk 13 avx2 14 54915 3493 81 10.94% =[00.00% + 00.14% + 00.17% + 00.63% + 01.89% + 08.10%] 08.67% = [00.17% + 00.06% + 00.66% + 02.43% + 05.35%] 22.27% Caissa 1.21 a512 15 50138 2414 85 11.89% =[00.04% + 00.17% + 00.21% + 01.16% + 02.49% + 07.83%] 07.83% = [00.08% + 00.25% + 01.12% + 02.36% + 04.02%] 25.90% Starzix 6.0 a512 16 40620 2312 81 07.66% =[00.00% + 00.13% + 00.17% + 00.48% + 01.43% + 05.45%] 07.74% = [00.09% + 00.39% + 00.78% + 02.72% + 03.76%] 27.30% Viridithas 15.0 a512 **************************************************** *** EAS-tool (C) 2024 Stefan Pohl (www.sp-cc.de) *** ****************************************************