Stefan Pohl Computer Chess

Home of famous UHO openings and EAS Ratinglist

Latest Website-News (2024/07/27): Testrun of Stockfish 240719 finished: +1 Celo to Stockfish 240711: 3845 Celo is the new all-time highscore in my UHO-Top15 Ratinglist.


Dont forget to take a look at my EAS-Ratinglist (The world's first engine-ratinglist not measuring strength of engines, but engines's style of play).


Next testrun: Clover 7.0 and Torch 3

Next NN-testrun: Lc0 0.32dev BT4-6077500 (best BT4-net in my previous tests, and the new binary from Ergodice, which should be a little stronger (OpenBench-test here)). Download the Cuda binary here


Great news & sad news: A.Grant just provided me the download of the final Celo-gaining version of Torch, Torch 3. Many thanks. Bud sad news, that Torch 3 will be the final version (for now...).

Here some words by A.Grant in an email to me:

"As you may know, chesscom decided to stop funding the development of Torch strictly for strength as of about two months ago. The project ran for a little over a year. While we were able to very quickly become #3, and after some time make a strong argument for a clear #2, becoming #1 is just not in the cards.
Of course our initial ambition was to be #1 -- how could you aim for anything else? But in reality, I was the only full time employee on the project, and we were always going to be limited in what could be done. It would take an incredible effort -- in terms of raw manpower and in compute -- to match the dozens of developers and millions of dollars of hardware behind Stockfish.
In the end though, Chesscom's goal was actually to create a new engine to replace Komodo, to use in their internal tools and products. Torch is already powering a large portion of the chesscom infrastructure, and will soon replace Komodo entirely there.
It has been the joy of my lifetime (thus far!) to work on this project. The authors of Koivisto and Berserk and I had always talked about coming together, saying that we could do quite well if we just unified. And that turned out to be true."


Stay tuned

UHO-Top15 Engines Ratinglist (+ regular testing of Stockfish Dev-versions)


Playing conditions:


The 15 strongest engines and the latest StockfishDev version are playing 1000 games vs. each opponent: 15000 games per engine are played. A RoundRobin Tournament with 120000 games overall !


Hardware: AMD Ryzen 3900 12-core (24 threads) notebook with 32GB RAM. 

Speed: (singlethread, TurboBoost-mode switched off, chess starting position) Stockfish 16.1: 500 kn/s (when 20 games are running simultaneously)

Hash: 256MB per engine

GUI: Cutechess-cli (GUI ends game, when a 5-piece endgame is on the board, all other games are played until mate or draw by chess-rules (3fold, 50-moves, stalemate))

Tablebases: None for engines, 5 Syzygy for cutechess-cli

OpeningsMy UHO_2022_6mvs_+120_+129 openings are used (first 500 lines) (UHO 2022 openings are part of my Anti Draw Openings download-package). 

Ponder, Large Memory Pages & learning: Off

Thinking time: 3min+1sec per game/engine (average game-duration: 7 min 50sec), around 3500-4000 games in 24 hours are played. One testrun (15000 games) takes around 100 hours (=4 days and some hours)

The version-numbers of the Stockfish engines are the date of the latest patch, which was included in the Stockfish sourcecode, not the release-date of the engine-file, written backwards (year,month,day))(example: 200807 = August, 7, 2020). The used SF compile is the AVX2-compile, which is the fastest on my AMD Ryzen CPU. SF binaries are taken from (except the official SF-release versions, which are taken form the official Stockfish website).

Read the explanation, why I chose my testing-conditions, like I did here


Latest update: 2024/07/25: Stockfish 240719 (+1 Celo to Stockfish 240711)


(Ordo-calculation fixed to Stockfish 16.1 = 3833 Celo. Mention, there are no human or "realistic" Elo numbers in enginechess, since the engines reached superhuman strength, so I decided to use "Celo" (=Computer Elo) instead)


See the tournament cross-table as a picture (done by Fritz18 GUI) here

See the individual statistics of engine-results here

See the Engines Aggressiveness Score Ratinglist here

See the Gamepair-statistics of the UHO-Top15 Ratinglist here

See the full UHO Ratinglist (with EAS-Ratinglist): here

Download the current gamebase, the full-list gamebase and the archive here

See the old SPCC-Ratinglist (full list) and EAS-List from 2020 until 2023/08/28: here


(best Stockfish Celo: Stockfish 240719: 3845 Celo, latest full release (Stockfish 16.1) had 3833 Celo)

(highest EAS-Score since Stockfish 16.1 release: Stockfish 240519: 203882 EAS-points)

(Read the explanation of the Lc0-entry in the Ratinglist here).

     Program                    Celo    +    - Games    Score   Av.Op. Draws

   1 Stockfish 240719 avx2    : 3845    4    4 15000    71.2%   3680   47.4%
   2 Stockfish 16.1 240224    : 3833    4    4 15000    69.8%   3681   48.3%
   3 Torch 2 popavx2          : 3801    4    4 15000    65.6%   3683   48.5%
 [   Lc0 0.31dev T3-2815      : 3781   15   15  1000 (NN vs SF15.1 testing)]
   4 Berserk 13 avx2          : 3743    4    4 15000    57.6%   3687   49.9%
   5 KomodoDragon 3.3 avx2    : 3732    4    4 15000    56.1%   3688   50.6%
   6 Obsidian 13.0 avx2       : 3717    4    4 15000    53.9%   3689   50.6%
   7 PlentyChess 2.1 avx2     : 3693    4    4 15000    50.5%   3690   51.1%
   8 Ethereal 14.38 avx2      : 3691    4    4 15000    50.2%   3690   49.9%
   9 Caissa 1.19 avx2         : 3682    4    4 15000    48.9%   3691   50.8%
  10 Alexandria 7.0 avx2      : 3663    4    4 15000    46.2%   3692   51.2%
  11 RubiChess 240112 avx2    : 3643    4    4 15000    43.3%   3694   48.6%
  12 Lizard 10.5 avx2         : 3604    4    4 15000    37.9%   3696   49.5%
  13 Clover 6.2 avx2          : 3602    4    4 15000    37.6%   3696   51.5%
  14 Titan 1.1 avx2           : 3601    4    4 15000    37.4%   3696   49.7%
  15 Seer 2.8.0 avx2          : 3599    4    4 15000    37.1%   3696   49.8%
  16 Viridithas 13.0 avx2     : 3597    4    4 15000    36.9%   3697   48.8%

Games        : 120000 (finished)

White Wins   : 57968 (48.3 %)
Black Wins   : 2312   (1.9 %)
Draws        : 59720 (49.8 %)

Below the UHO-Top15 Ratinglist, recalculated with Gamepairs (using my Gamepair Rescoring Tool V1.5), Ordo-calculation fixed to Stockfish 16.1 = 3833 Celo, realizing Vondele's (Stockfish Maintainer) idea: "Thinking uniquely in game pairs makes sense with the biased openings used these days. While pentanomial makes  sense it is a bit complicated so we could simplify and score game pairs only (not games) as W-L-D (a traditional score of 2-0, or 1.5-0.5 is just a W)."

See the head-to-head gamepair-statistics of the UHO-Top15 Ratinglist here

   # PLAYER                   :    Celo  Error   Pairs     W     D     L   (%)  CFS(%)
   1 Stockfish 240719 avx2    :    3878     13    7500  6169  1206   125  90.3     100
   2 Stockfish 16.1 240224    :    3833   ----    7500  5880  1404   216  87.8     100
   3 Torch 2 popavx2          :    3713     12    7500  4998  1921   581  79.4     100
   4 Berserk 13 avx2          :    3548     12    7500  3584  2478  1438  64.3     100
   5 KomodoDragon 3.3 avx2    :    3525     12    7500  3312  2647  1541  61.8     100
   6 Obsidian 13.0 avx2       :    3481     12    7500  2870  2804  1826  57.0     100
   7 PlentyChess 2.1 avx2     :    3426     12    7500  2359  2886  2255  50.7      82
   8 Ethereal 14.38 avx2      :    3422     12    7500  2308  2917  2275  50.2     100
   9 Caissa 1.19 avx2         :    3402     11    7500  2153  2861  2486  47.8     100
  10 Alexandria 7.0 avx2      :    3357     12    7500  1751  2881  2868  42.6     100
  11 RubiChess 240112 avx2    :    3319     12    7500  1475  2760  3265  38.1     100
  12 Lizard 10.5 avx2         :    3216     12    7500   763  2478  4259  26.7      88
  13 Titan 1.1 avx2           :    3211     12    7500   737  2444  4319  26.1      71
  14 Seer 2.8.0 avx2          :    3208     12    7500   728  2422  4350  25.9      59
  15 Viridithas 13.0 avx2     :    3207     12    7500   703  2456  4341  25.7      54
  16 Clover 6.2 avx2          :    3207     12    7500   732  2391  4377  25.7     ---

--- Number of all Gamepairs          : 60000 
--- Number of drawn Gamepairs overall: 19478 (= 32.46%) 
--- Number of 1:1 drawn Gamepairs    : 9021  (= 15.03%) 
--- Number of 2-draws drawn Gamepairs: 10457 (= 17.43%) 

Aborted testruns, because the tested engine was too weak to enter the UHO-Top15 Ratinglist:

Minic 3.41, Booot 7.3, Black Marlin 9.0, Equisetum 1.0, Stormphrax 5

Below you find a diagram of the progress of Stockfish in my tests since February 2023

And below that diagram, the older diagrams.


You can save the diagrams on your PC with mouseclick (right button) and then choose "save image"...

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